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30 août 2012

Give your brain some refreshments with Oscar Wilde quotes

Life is never so easy for everyone. There are very few who live a desired life but for rest of others life is always full of uncertainties. Ups and downs in life are frequent and these are the only things which allow us to learn better and quicker. That is the reason why people with great mentality have seen almost everything in their life. And if they are really great, they won’t allow others to pass the same way. They share their lifetime experiences so that one could follow them and make life better. The best way to share these experiences is through quotes, quotes are simple to read and easy to understand at the same time it teaches us many lessons on reality.

Oscar Wilde was someone whom we can follow blindfolded. There are many things one can learn from his thoughts & his lifestyle. He was a bright child from his childhood and he gained wisdom right from the day he came to this earth. His parents were great intellectuals and this helped him a lot to develop his life similar to them. He was a great poet and later he went on to write plays, where he gained a lot of popularity. So if you also want to be like him or if you want to know who Oscar Wilde really was then go through Oscar Wilde quotes, it will really help you and you can share his thoughts with your friends and beloved ones.

If you are a real quotes follower then you should try Ronald Reagan quotes. He was 40th president elected by citizens of United States. Before that he already gained popularity as he was associated with radio, then he acted in few great movies and later he was introduced to small screen. He was also elected as Governor of California. Such a famous person, that we can really gain some of his thoughts through his quotes.

Another personality from whom we can gain wisdom is none other than Henry David Thoreau. He was very simple, decent and down to earth kind of human. He never married, lived his life all alone, never gone to church, drank no wine neither tasted tobacco, never eat flesh. These were some of his special qualities for which people still remember him. And if you want to live simply and think higher than look forward to Henry David Thoreau quotes. His words will add charm to your thinking abilities. To get quotes best method is to go through internet and online services. For more detail visit us at :

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